
A detailed introduction to the key technical points related to the use of rice seedling non-woven fabrics

by:Sunshine     2021-03-16
Non-woven cloth cover nursery technical points 1, choose a ground to make a bed Choose a higher ground. The bed surface is leveled, the bed soil is fine, and the surface is free of debris. 2. Prepare the nutrient soil Since the non-woven seedlings are removed during the mixing process of ventilation and seedlings, top dressing is no longer needed during the entire seedling period. Therefore, nutrient soil with rich nutrition and reasonable ratio should be prepared to meet the needs of the entire seedling period. Fertilize seedlings. The specific method is to prepare nutrient soil with seedling enhancer. Use a strong seedling agent and 7 kinds of black soil to fully mix into the nutrient soil; use 167 grams of strong seedling agent per square meter, which can be mixed with the surface soil before sowing. 3. Sowing seeds, due to the low accumulated temperature in the early stage of nonwoven seedlings, the sowing period is 2-3 days earlier than the proper use of agricultural film. Fertilize 350-400 grams per square meter, and 250 grams per square meter for conventional seedlings. 4. Weeding According to the occurrence characteristics of drought weeds, use herbicides to seal seedling beds. 5. Cover with non-woven film In order to improve the heat preservation and moisturizing effect of non-woven fabric in the early stage of seedling breeding, cover a layer of plastic film on the bed after sowing. 6. Erection of the cultivation frame Before placing the frame, the 35 cm on the left and right sides of the frame are first processed into a curved form. After being placed in the frame, it shows an approximate trapezoid shape. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the height of each bed frame is basically the same after insertion, and then cover the non-woven fabric to keep the shed surface basically on the horizontal surface, so that the water will not flow quickly from the cloth and improve the water leakage effect. The mixed rope should use nylon rope or tear film, do not use straw rope, so as not to wear non-woven fabric and reduce the service life. Several issues that should be paid attention to in nursery stock management 1. Remove the non-woven film at night. The temperature of the non-woven seedlings is low in the early stage, and the mulching time should be appropriately extended to improve the early heat preservation and moisturizing effects of the seedlings. After the seedlings are ready, remove the mulch when the first leaf is fully expanded. 2. Watering in time When the surface of the bed is white and dry, start watering. Without removing the fabric, pour water directly on the fabric, and the water will penetrate into the seedbed through the pores in the fabric. But before taking care not to pour water into the seedbed, please be careful not to remove the plastic film. 3. Remove the cloth when appropriate. The nonwoven seedlings should be kept at an early temperature without ventilation. However, after entering mid-May, when the outside temperature rises, and the bed temperature exceeds 30°C, a ventilated smelter should also be carried out to avoid moderate growth of seedlings and lower quality. 4. Timely fertilization Non-woven seedling base fertilizer is sufficient, generally do not fertilize before 3.5 leaves, the cloth can be withdrawn before transplanting in the seedling stage for topdressing. The traditional dry seedlings are relatively old, fertilize after 3.5 leaves, and then remove the appropriate amount of nitrogen fertilizer to promote the growth of seedlings.
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