
Are we informed about non woven bed sheet weight and volume after shipment?
Yes. Typically, Sunshine Nonwoven Fabric Co.,Ltd will inform the customer of the volumetric weight of non woven bed sheet after shipment. Our customers don’t need to worry about keeping track of various DIM weight calculations, because we understand well how shipping fees are calculated and will keep track of any changes that occur. We know that making a simple shift can cut shipping expenses considerably. To avoid overpaying and keep chargeable weight to the minimum possible, we will let our freight forwarder know in advance when we are expecting deliveries. They will be able to creatively combine the packages to simplify logistics and cut the shipping costs.

Sunshine has evolved into one of the leading manufacturers based in China. We have gained years of experience in manufacturing laminated non woven fabric. Sunshine's main products include non skid fabric series. Sunshine non woven printing involves a wide range of in-depth tests including analyzing both the chemical and physical properties of the electrode materials used. Processed through mechanical reinforcement, it is tear-resistant. These features have help it won customer's high praise. Being heat fused, its edge features fray resistance.

We are dedicated to achieving product superiority and make our products enjoy larger market share in different application fields. First and foremost, we will work hard to improve product quality by making use of various means.
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