
Guoqiao industrial group yang nature: environmentally friendly use of non-woven shopping bags

by:Sunshine     2020-04-25
In the spring of Shenzhen, the reporter met Mr. Yang nature, chairman of Guoqiao Industrial Group Co. , Ltd. From the countryside to the city, from the mainland to Hong Kong, the hardships of starting a business have exercised his character of daring to fight. The achievements of his career have accumulated his life experience. The topic of the interview was discussed from an article he called for replacing disposable plastic bags with non-woven shopping bags. Responsibility is more important than a small shopping bag in the sky, causing yang nature to pay close attention. Mr. Yang told reporters that in order to reduce 'white pollution', The state advocates the use of environmentally friendly shopping bags that can be used many times, PP (Polypropylene non-woven fabric)The shopping bags made can do this completely. But why can't the promotion be opened? In addition to the cost, there is a misunderstanding that polypropylene is non-degradable and environmentally friendly. He said that the problem should not only be seen on the side of the problem. In fact, polypropylene is non-toxic and will not cause pollution even if it is discarded. Because of the micropores on it, water can penetrate and will not cause land hardening. In addition, non-woven shopping bags are not like plastic bags because they are strong and durable. In a sense, they save energy consumption and are beneficial to environmental protection. In his spare time, he wrote the article 'research on environmental protection of non-adhesive cloth shopping bags by PP spunbond method'. He believes that it is theoretically no problem to define non-woven fabrics as environmentally friendly shopping bags, in practice, it should also be strongly advocated. In order to 'work in the contemporary, benefit in the future' environmental protection business, should advocate the use of environmentally friendly non-woven shopping bags. His views were supported by experts from the China Association of Industrial textiles for spunbonded non-woven fabrics branch, some scholars also support Yang's view from the professional perspectives of non-woven fabrics of polypropylene spunbond method, chemical characteristics and composite degradation methods. The career is more important than the reporter, and the conversation with Mr. Yang nature is a fate. He called him from Beijing and sent a text message rejecting the reporter's interview. Afterwards, I learned that many TV stations and newspapers wanted to interview him, but he has always been very low-key. The principle he believes in is to do things in a down-to-earth manner. Under his leadership, Guoqiao industrial group company has factories in Hong Kong, Guangdong and Jiangxi, all of which are imported into advanced equipment from Europe, America, Japan and other countries. At present, Guoqiao industry has three polyester and two polypropylene non-woven fabric production lines. The annual output of spunbonded non-woven fabrics reached 1. 50 thousand tons, with an output value of more than 1. 5 million yuan and a per capita profit and tax of yuan. Yang is naturally a Hong Kong native. From a migrant worker to a boss, the road to entrepreneurship is very difficult. He is also a person who dares to fight hard and advocates innovation. As everyone in the industry knows, due to the high automation process and fixed process route, innovation in spunbonded non-woven fabrics requires certain risks, high investment and slow results. However, Yang naturally believes that it cannot be developed without innovation. He has invested money in sticky non-woven fabrics and functional non-woven fabrics. In 2005, Guoqiao took the lead in developing elastic non-woven fabrics, and then was the first to develop corn fiber non-woven fabrics, stepping out of a road of independent innovation by enterprises. In Jiangxi, he invested tens of millions of yuan to acquire a state-owned chemical fiber factory in Jiangxi, which brought the enterprise on the verge of bankruptcy back to life. The benefits doubled year after year, and production entered a virtuous circle. Jiangxi Guoqiao also became a local star enterprise. Yu Siyang naturally told reporters that entrepreneurs should first have certain social responsibilities, making money is not an end but a means, and as entrepreneurs, they should repay the society more. On 2003, when the SARS epidemic broke out in China, the Guangdong provincial government found Guoqiao industrial company, hoping that Mr. Yang's enterprises could contribute to the prevention and control of SARS. Yang nature, a Hong Kong industrialist, first thought of 'The country is in trouble, the man is responsible '. He donated free medical non-woven products produced by Guoqiao, worth millions of yuan. In recognition of his righteousness, the Guangdong Provincial Economic and Trade Commission and other units specially recorded his third-class merits. When talking about Hong Kong-funded enterprises investing in factories in the mainland, Yang naturally believes that Hong Kong-funded enterprises investing in factories in the mainland value the investment environment and preferential policies. He is full of confidence in the domestic spunbond non-woven fabric enterprises becoming the world's top 40 non-woven fabrics. He said: 'As long as the spunbond non-woven fabric enterprises find their own product positioning and work tirelessly, they will be able to catch up with or surpass countries such as Europe and the United States in two to three years '. Yang nature is a good learner. He works while studying for an MBA. He wants to take learning as a lifelong thing. In 2007, he plans to build another non-woven fabric production line in Jiangxi. He will also set up a school to invest in education; He will continue to do the good work of visiting the lonely old man every year . . . . . .
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