
Indian Railways should consider non-woven sheets to improve passenger comfort

by:Sunshine     2021-03-16
Indian railways are the world's leading railway network, and the use of nonwovens will increase the market for projects in India. Indian Railways will start a trial run of non-woven beds to improve passenger comfort. As part of the pro-growth and consumer satisfaction agenda, the newly formed Prime Minister of India will lead Arendra Modi to bring some new fellow practitioners to Indian Railways. In order to improve the comfort of passengers, the railway will start the trial operation of the Bangalore Rajdhani express non-woven bed project. According to media reports, the initial trial will use a non-woven polyester project. Based on feedback, the pilot program will be implemented on other high-speed Rajdhani railway networks. Indian railways are the world's leading railway network, and the use of nonwovens will increase the market for projects in India. The Indian government today launched a five-year national mission for technical textiles to increase the growth of the nascent nonwovens and specialty textiles sector. The plan includes an investment of 45 million U.S. dollars, and from 2011-2015, in a five-year period, Rita said, Menon, India’s textile secretary is jointly organized by the Ministry of Textiles, the Indian and trade agencies, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of India. FICCI) was held in New Delhi. Both subtasks are included in this mission. One of the focuses is the establishment of four new centers of excellence and the improvement of Ru0026D capabilities in India. The four centers in the plan are non-wovens, composites, indutech and sportech. Each center will give a maximum of USD 5.45 million (Rupee, 2.45 billion rupees). The other focuses on improving domestic consumption and export opportunities, and the marketing efforts needed. These funds are expected to be released in time for the project, as early as April 2011 will be held in Mumbai on January 25th through a meeting of the Textile Commissioner’s Office. According to Dr. Ramkumar Seshadri, associate professor of nonwovens environment and human health (TIEHH ) The Institute is at Texas Tech University. As one of our largest factories in the region, the Jakarta factory has successively obtained Leading Energy and Environmental Design (LEED), the world's leading green building standard, and passed the establishment of the highest environmental certification system established by the U.S. Green Building Council. The Silver LEED certification standard .
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