
Introduction to the main functions of short-filament geotextiles and standards for judging the quality of geotextiles

by:Sunshine     2021-03-15
Short-filament geotextiles are usually more flexible in slope protection projects, are convenient for construction and maintenance, and have little impact on the environment. It is usually used for embankment and waterway projects of large rivers and lakes without wave loads. Short-filament geotextiles are generally used in foundation soils. Their main functions are: as a filter, instead of particle filtration, to prevent soil erosion; energy buffer: As geotextile is a flexible material, when there is a dynamic load, it can reach a certain extent. Energy buffer effect; isolation: prevent rocks from clogging the soil. In many places, especially during construction, in order to prevent water penetration, certain objects are needed to prevent water penetration. Among them, people can often use, now it should be geotextile. The appearance of this fabric makes people's work really smooth. When seeing this kind of geotextile, people still think about whether there are differences between the products, because many people can see that the prices of this product are still different. As long as these materials can be related to understanding, we can understand better. Although it is the same product, there are certain differences. The first difference is quality, especially in terms of raw materials. The selection of different materials directly determines the quality of this product. Only with good thickness and good strength can it be used in more different places. This is the key point. Another point is that the size of this product is now different. Some manufacturers mainly produce large-sized products, while other manufacturers can produce small-sized products. It can be said that although the same products are geotextiles, there are still differences. Therefore, whether individuals or companies, if they want to buy this product, they still need to better understand these aspects, and only through the understanding of these aspects can they make better purchases.
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