
Is Sunshine priced high?
Our brand - Sunshine Nonwoven Fabric Co.,Ltd - aims to provide customers with quality products at reasonable prices. It may be competitively priced but we do never skimp on quality. How we achieve it? With our long-lasting relationships with raw materials suppliers, we get more favorable prices and with our unremitting efforts on technology R&D, we have greatly refined our production processes, significantly reducing our production costs. Buying Sunshine, you can expect great craftsmanship and quality without having to splash out.

As a fast-moving enterprise, Sunshine focuses on the R&D, production, and supply of embossed tablecloth for many years. Sunshine's main products include fire retardant fabric series. we non slip material fabric has gone through a series of assessment processes in terms of the construction structure which includes wind load test, snow load test, and pressure load test. It supports the printing of logos and patterns. The product is ecologically friendly. The traditional refrigerant chemicals that will result in the erosion of the ozone layer has been totally eliminated. It will not melt down or emit thick smoke when burning.

We take green production as our future development direction. We will focus on seeking sustainable raw materials, clean resources, and more environmental-friendly production ways.
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