
What are the prices of greenhouse non-woven fabrics of different designs and colors per ton?

by:Sunshine     2021-03-12
According to the different materials, the use of greenhouse non-woven fabrics is different, and the price is also different, so natural, the color is the problem of the material material, the price of the natural greenhouse non-woven fabric is different. Non-woven fabrics for colorful greenhouses are the cheapest, with low-grade materials and naturally low prices: 2,200 yuan a ton. Gray greenhouse non-woven fabric is a medium-grade material: 3200 yuan a ton. The best kind of white greenhouse non-woven fabric, the material is good, it is called geotextile: 4800 yuan per ton. The above is the approximate price of greenhouse non-woven fabrics of different colors under normal circumstances. Of course, on the other hand, the prices of non-woven fabrics of different manufacturers and different brands will be different. In addition, the distance in the region is also different. Will have a certain impact on prices. When choosing, you must choose the suits and colors suitable for your use according to your actual situation, and the manufacturer that can meet your quality requirements later.
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