
What are the reasons that affect the quality of non-woven bags

by:Sunshine     2021-03-10
What are the reasons affecting the appearance of inferior non-woven bags? Fujian Nonwovens Co., Ltd. summarized the following two factors for everyone. 1. Cutting corners and cutting corners is a way to reduce costs. It is also a more used method. Because non-woven fabrics are measured in units of weight, stealing weight is a more direct method. A popular size non-woven fabric bag under normal conditions uses about 0.3 square meters of non-woven fabric area. If the customer places an order and agrees to 80 grams per square meter of fabric after arriving in these small workshops, they will lower the cost in order to reduce the cost. Use 70 grams per square meter of fabric. If the customer is not a professional and has not been measured by a professional instrument, it will not be found under normal conditions. Therefore, cutting corners is entirely dependent on the blindness of the manufacturer. 2. The market of shoddy non-woven fabrics is currently quite chaotic. There are three types of fabrics in the market. One is brand new pellets. This kind of fabric is produced with 100% pellets. This fabric has good gloss and tensile strength. Strong, average fabric. The second type of non-woven fabric is mixed with a small part of recycled material or filler. This kind of non-woven fabric has poor gloss and is easy to tear, so the uneven fabric produced is also common. For example, it is normal that a non-woven fabric of 80 grams is 100 grams on one side and more than 60 grams on the other. The last one is peritoneal material. This kind of fabric did not exist at the beginning of the non-woven bag industry. At present, the price competition is large. Various manufacturers use this poor non-woven fabric as peritoneal material in order to reduce costs. Because the peritoneal process is to pour a layer of membrane non-woven fabric on the non-woven fabric, it is not easy to find a layer of poor material inside, so this is also reasonable. The above three kinds of fabrics are frequently seen. At present, when there is a large order demand, they are directly customized by the raw material manufacturer. The price of the fabric is not determined by the manufacturer. At present, the manufacturer of non-woven bags has the final say. What price do you want? Just give it to me. Therefore, when customizing non-woven bags, customers must choose carefully and find a regular non-woven bag manufacturer for customization.
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