
What is the reason for putting geotextile on the roadbed?

by:Sunshine     2021-03-11
Geotextile is also called non-woven fabric. It is a plastic felt fabric made by needle punching of polypropylene and nylon fibers with non-woven patterns, and then impregnated, bonded and dried with various additives. Build the roadbed under good geological, hydrological and climatic conditions. From the material point of view, the roadbed can be divided into three types: soil roadbed, stone roadbed and earth-stone roadbed. The roadbed is a linear structure built with soil or stone. The roadbed refers to a belt-shaped structure built as a pavement foundation according to the location of the route and certain technical requirements. It is the foundation of railways and highways. The geotextile is used on the roadbed. After rolling, the asphalt will penetrate the geotextile through its pores and reverse seepage to the surface layer to form a sealed waterproof layer. At the same time, it also acts as a reinforcement to improve the new pavement. Anti-fatigue performance. It is economical, convenient and durable. If a paver is used to pave the asphalt concrete surface, it is not necessary to spray the surface asphalt and only increase the amount of asphalt on the bottom surface to control it at about 1000g/m2. The asphalt-impregnated geotextile can be changed to spraying asphalt-binding oil, the geotextile is firmly rolled on it, and then a thin layer of asphalt is sprayed to increase the adhesion to the surface layer and improve the waterproofness. If the network is cracked, the area of u200bu200bthe crack is large, or it has become a piece, it can be treated by laying geotextile as a whole, and the specific method is the same as above. If the network is cracked, the area of u200bu200bthe crack is large, or it has become a piece, it can be treated by laying geotextile as a whole, and the specific method is the same as above. If the net crack and the crack area are small, the geotextile can be cut into a certain shape, the size can completely cover the net crack and crack surface, and each side should be 10cm wider. Frequently, there are different degrees of cracks or cracks in parts or pieces. If not repaired in time, large areas will be destroyed due to water penetration. It is currently an ideal repair material. After many years of use, the road has high strength due to design, material, construction and other reasons, and the structure is uniform, the shrinkage coefficient is small, the toughness is strong, and the elongation is large. Geotextile is an important pavement repair material, which can contain enough impregnated asphalt to prevent water infiltration. As the geotextile itself is not waterproof, when the old road is renovated, the asphalt mixture will form an impermeable composite body. In addition to preventing cracks, it will also have a certain waterproof effect. Isolation is to separate different materials to maintain their respective performance. The geotextile on the roadbed mainly serves as reinforcement and isolation. Reinforcement mainly enhances the shear and tensile deformation resistance of the material, and prevents reflection cracks on the road surface. The above is the detailed content of the reasons for placing geotextile on the roadbed. If you don’t understand, you can directly contact the relevant personnel of Fujian Nonwovens Co., Ltd.
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