
What non-woven fabric is better for the mop?

by:Sunshine     2021-03-10
What non-woven fabric is better for the mop? The non-woven fabric used as the mop material in the household should be made of polyester and viscose blended, spunlace reinforced and then dipped non-woven fabric. Such a material is wear-resistant and absorbent, and has better strength after dipping and is not suitable for mold. change. It is recommended that household mops be washed, wrung out, and dried in the sun regularly after use to ensure a longer service life and better usability. What non-woven fabric is better for the mop? The method of purchasing non-woven mop is as follows: 1. The handle is easy to handle and does not fall off and rotate.   2. The mop cloth surface has good water absorption.  3. The mop material does not drop chips.  4. The mop is easy to wring out and the moisture is not labor-intensive.   5. The mop is easy to clean and does not stick to dirt. 6. Different needs to choose different functions, for example: the gap under the furniture is small, you can choose a flat mop (the mop cloth can be removed to clean, such as dust tray.    7. Home space storage does not occupy a place: when the space area is small , Choose a compound mop with mopping function at the same time.
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