
Where is Sunshine located?
Our company is located in a convenient place which not only results in the lowest cost per unit but also facilitates an orderly growth of Sunshine Nonwoven Fabric Co.,Ltd. Find detailed information on "Contact Us" page. Address of non woven printing manufacturer is influenced by the kind of product material being used, costs of production and distribution. With convenient transportation, we warmly welcome customers to visit our company and plant.

As a strong competitor in the market, Sunshine has reached a peer leader level in virtue of strong manufacturing capability. Sunshine's main products include waterproof non woven fabric series. All components of Sunshine non woven printing are CNC machined and finished by hand and all structures produced are fully certified to global structural safety codes. It is available in roll, sheet-cut, tube, etc. The product is environmentally friendly. The ammonia refrigerant used breaks down quickly in the environment, minimizing potential environmental impact. Being manufactured under an ISO9001:2008 certified system, its quality is guaranteed.

We act responsibly to the environment. We will try to upgrade the industrial structure to achieve a balance between business development and environmental friendliness.
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