
Yangzhou Yizheng built 'chemical fiber non-spinning industry agglomeration demonstration zone'

by:Sunshine     2020-04-18
In recent years, Yizheng city has grasped the resource advantages of the central enterprise Yizheng Chemical Fiber Company and the location advantages adjacent to Nanjing Chemical Industrial Park, set up a non-woven industrial park in Zhenzhou town, and accelerated the construction of the chemical fiber non-woven industry cluster. At present, the non-woven Industrial Park has gathered chemical fiber • There are 116 non-woven production enterprises and 111 production lines of various types, with an annual output of 50 thousand tons of chemical fiber filaments, 100 thousand tons of Polyester Staple Fibers, 100 thousand tons of non-woven fabrics and 60 million square meters of waterproof materials, with an annual output value of nearly 6 billion yuan, among them, there are more than 40 enterprises with annual sales of more than 20 million yuan. In November 2011, the chemical fiber non-woven fabric industry agglomeration area was recognized as an industrial agglomeration demonstration area by Jiangsu province '. Industrial agglomeration has promoted product upgrading. The country's first county-level non-woven Industry Association and the Yangtze River Delta non-woven industry alliance have been established in the non-woven Industry Park. The non-woven and non-woven production capacity has accounted for more than 33% of the total market demand in the country, geotextile production accounts for about 30% of the country's total output. Only 40% of products such as carpet base cloth, lawn base cloth and agricultural cloth produced by Jinda fabric Co. , Ltd. have been exported to Europe, the Middle East and some Asian countries. Waterproofing membrane has been widely used in large-scale national infrastructure projects such as Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway. Industrial agglomeration has driven technological innovation. By the end of 2010, the chemical fiber non-spinning industry had added 7 national high-tech enterprises, 15 high-tech products above the municipal level, 6 newly identified research and development institutions above the municipal level, and introduced more than 60 industrial and technical personnel, it has 264 people with intermediate titles or above, more than 1500 technicians at all levels, 13 industry-university-research cooperation, 25 new products and 56 patents, there are 5 famous trademarks in Chuangcheng province and 14 famous brand products in Yangzhou city. Industrial agglomeration has boosted social employment. At present, there are more than 7000 employees engaged in chemical fiber non-spinning, 90% of whom are local residents and 3350 rural surplus labor force has been transferred. The rise and agglomeration of chemical fiber non-textile industry has promoted the sound and rapid development of regional economy and society. In 2010, the town GDP under its jurisdiction was 35. 8. 2 billion yuan, with a total industrial output value of 9. 7 billion yuan. Chemical Fiber non-textile industry accounts for 60% of the total industrial economy in towns under its jurisdiction. The per capita disposable income of urban residents exceeds 21000 yuan, and the per capita net income of farmers reaches 12337 yuan.
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