
Cross non woven fabric/ Cambrella Fabric

Decoration knowledge: What are the techniques for preventing moisture from wallpaper?

by:Sunshine     2021-03-09
There are four ways to prevent moisture from wallpaper: the first choice is breathable material. There are many wallpaper materials on the market, such as non-woven fabrics, wood fiber, PVC (polyvinyl chloride), glass fiber substrate, cloth surface, etc. Relatively speaking, PVC The material of the wallpaper is the least breathable, and it is the easiest for the water vapor discharged from the wall to be stuffed inside, and it is easy to form mold spots over time. Keep the wall dry. The wall must be kept dry. New cement construction generally requires 20 to 40 days of maintenance before the wallpaper can be applied. It is worth noting that when decorating, pay attention not to allow irregular construction to mix sea sand that is not suitable for wall painting. Before posting the wallpaper, the base surface needs to be processed. If it is a refurbishment of a second-hand house, the gap in the wall must be filled, otherwise the wallpaper will easily empty. Check the quality of the paving wallpaper generally has various patterns. When paving, you must pay attention to whether there is a large gap between the two wallpapers and whether the mosaic is aligned. In addition, watering during paving will moisten the wallpaper, and it will shrink to a certain extent after it dries, so keep the stretchable position. Try not to open the shrinkage seam on the wall facing the windward opening. Don't forget to keep the windows and doors open during the construction period and within 24 hours after the construction. Excessive ventilation will cause the wallpaper to dry rapidly and shrink unevenly, causing cracks at the seams. Pay attention to adjusting the ventilation after 3 days of paving. In order to prevent moisture from entering, doors and windows should be opened during the day to keep them ventilated, and they should be closed at night
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