
Cross non woven fabric/ Cambrella Fabric

How can we pack more things in non-woven bags?

by:Sunshine     2021-03-10
Non-woven bags are loved by consumers due to their environmental protection and practical advantages. How can we make non-woven bags contain more things? The following non-woven fabric manufacturers will introduce you. 1. Punch two buttons in the hand. This method can increase the weight of the bag itself, and also can buckle the mouth of the bag. This method adds 1 corner/button on the original quotation of the bag. 2. Add spot welding in the hand-held place, that is, add another connection method at the seam of the handle and the bag body. This connection method is ultrasonic hot pressing! The overlapping application of the two methods can make the bag work. Accept a larger portion. This method has a lower cost and only adds 1 cent on the original basis. 3. Add seam and cross stitching in the hand-held place. This method can only be done manually. It can increase the load-bearing capacity of the bag. It is better than the above one. Of course, the added price is more! Add 2 cents on the basis of the quoted price. 4. The handle directly wraps around the bag body. This method can greatly increase the weight of the bag. If the loaded item exceeds the load of the non-woven bag material, no matter how much reinforcement is added to the handle It is useless, and this method can increase the load-bearing capacity of the non-woven bag material, so this method is an excellent way to add the load-bearing bag, and this method of reinforcement must also be expensive. This is based on the size of the bag. The specific calculation knows how much money needs to be added!
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