
Cross non woven fabric/ Cambrella Fabric

How to use the cold cloth, the old farmer would like to tell you

by:Sunshine     2021-04-02
The cold-proof cloth is similar to the clothes worn by people. It is cold in winter, so you need to wear cotton clothes to keep you warm during the winter. The same fruit trees are also afraid of cold when they encounter frost, especially the fruit harvested in winter, it is easy to be damaged by frost, resulting in reduced yields. Therefore, more and more fruit growers are aware of the importance of cold-proof cloth, but many fruit growers still do not know how to use cold-proof cloth. In this issue, we will focus on this issue. Generally speaking, the method of using the cold-proof cloth that the old farmer wishes can be divided into three steps: First: Put a roll of cold-proof cloth on one end of the ground, and two people pull one end of the cloth and walk to the other end of the ground. Cover it directly on the tree; second: drive a short wooden stake every one meter or so on the ground; third: tie the cold-proof cloth to the short wooden stake with a rope to prevent it from being blown up by the wind. However, it is certainly not that simple in actual applications. Generally, you need to pay attention to the following aspects: 1. After the cold cloth is used up, it should be collected in time to avoid prolonged exposure to the sun in the open air. 2. When collecting the cold-proof cloth, try to avoid cutting the branches with cold-proof as much as possible. 3. Do not collect the cold-proof cloth on rainy or dew days. You can rewind the cloth after the dew is gone, or if there is water droplets when closing the cloth, it should be dried and then put away. 4. Avoid splashing pesticides or other chemicals on the cold-proof cloth. 5. After the cold-proof cloth is recycled, it should be avoided to expose it to the sun to avoid exposure to water and light. 6. After the cold-proof cloth is recycled, it should be stored in a cool and dark place. 7. Avoid storing cold-proof cloth and pesticides or fertilizers in the same place. If there is no place to put them together, separate the cold-proof cloth from pesticides or fertilizers. It is best to cover the cold-proof cloth with black material to avoid exposure to light. As long as the cold-proof cloth is used and maintained firmly in accordance with the above methods, the new 5-layer craft cold-proof cloth like the old farmer's wish can be used for more than 3 years, which can save money for fruit farmers.
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