
Cross non woven fabric/ Cambrella Fabric

Now PP non-woven shopping bag technology can easily print trademarks

by:Sunshine     2021-03-15
Polypropylene nonwovens are supported by the textile world. What gives this material versatility and low cost. Is it really green? It is used to make quality packaging bags, low cost and recyclable materials for printing signs. Non-woven polypropylene bags make huge promotional products, because non-woven materials are easy to color, which gives companies a lot of color choices. They are also very affordable and easy to print. People will use these bags, which is another reason, they are good promotional activities. Instead of using a redundant element that most people will throw away, the corporate logo printed on the reusable shopping bag will put the company at greater risk. Consumers welcome companies that are environmentally conscious. So what exactly is polypropylene nonwoven? Let us first explain what it means to have a fabric. Cotton, which is a long piece of natural fiber that grows and spun together. These long pieces are placed in more than one other woven basket. Therefore the expression of'woven' So, when a substance is considered a non-woven fabric, it just means that it has no lace on other chains. In contrast, non-woven fabrics are made of one type of plastic and are compacted very thin in terms of material. Now, what is non-woven polypropylene? This is a plastic polymer whose chemical composition is C3H6. The advantage of this type of plastic is its high melting point, compared to many other plastics. This gives the material a washable function and provides heat to melt the ink and transfer heat to the fabric for marking printing. Polypropylene can also be dyed easily, which explains why this material is popular for making reusable shopping bags.
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