
Cross non woven fabric/ Cambrella Fabric

PET non-woven fabric features PET non-woven fabric picture

by:Sunshine     2020-05-08
PET non-woven fabric features, PET non-woven fabric pictures; There are a lot of common sense about fabrics. We have talked about the characteristics of non-woven fabrics and the types of fabrics, today, the topic we are going to talk about is still to open around the fabric. If you have fun, you can listen to the expert's teaching with Xiaobian, and trust the teaching of the process Xiaobian, it will make you feel more about the characteristics of fabrics. Today we have to take the common sense of PET non-woven fabrics. What are the benefits of PET non-woven fabrics? Let's take a look at them all the way. The cloth cover has good property, soft hand feeling and high strength. It is out of line in heat invariance, which is the biggest benefit of PET non-woven fabric. Temperature resistance, UV resistance, aging resistance, dyeing and uniformity double the upper hand. Therefore, PET non-woven fabrics are not only suitable for making products that most PP non-woven fabrics can make, but also can be used for making such materials as electrical insulation materials, hot melt lining cloth for clothing, carpet and floor leather base cloth, and printing decorative materials, automotive filter materials, geotechnical and building waterproof materials, agricultural tarpaulin materials, etc.
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