
Cross non woven fabric/ Cambrella Fabric

The development of non-woven industry in Yangtze River Delta faces four major problems

by:Sunshine     2020-05-24
China's non-woven industry is growing rapidly and has great market potential. However, due to backward technology, weak enterprises and low product quality, foreign capital has entered the market, at present, the non-woven industry is facing tremendous pressure in the Yangtze River Delta region, which is an important part of the country. Non-woven material formerly known as non-woven fabric. For nearly half a century, the nonwoven industry has continuously absorbed the latest contemporary technology and has developed into a new fiber material manufacturing technology different from traditional textile technology. China's non-woven industry has sprung up and has become the first in Asia and the second in the world. 1994 yield 11. 50 thousand tons, up to 75 in 2004. 50 thousand tons, an increase of about 8%. Among them, non-woven enterprises in the Yangtze River Delta region account for about 1/3 of the country's total and their output accounts for about 2/5. The non-woven industry in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces has developed rapidly in recent years. At present, there are more than 500 thousand non-woven enterprises with an annual output value of more than 400 yuan, but they are mainly small-scale. Zhitang town, Changshu city, Jiangsu province, known as 'China's hometown of non-woven fabrics' and 'China's non-woven city', has 210 non-woven enterprises with total assets of nearly. 0. 5 billion yuan, of which 31 are non-woven machinery manufacturing enterprises, producing more than 350 production lines of various non-woven machinery and equipment annually and 179 non-woven fabric enterprises, with an annual output of more than 120 thousand tons of various non-woven fabrics, such production capacity already accounts for 60% and more than 14% of the country's total respectively. According to the data of the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Statistics, there are 106 enterprises engaged in the production, reproduction, scientific research, trade and equipment manufacturing of non-woven materials in Shanghai, of which 82 are private, collective and joint-stock enterprises, accounting for 77. 36%, with output accounting for 62. 15%, the output value only accounts for 41. 53%. The proportion of state-owned enterprises in the non-woven industry is negligible. People vividly describe this situation as 'the embellishment of state-owned enterprises is gradually disappearing, private enterprises are blooming everywhere, and foreign companies openly sing the leading role. 'Among the top 40 non-manufacturing enterprises in the world, China's mainland has no place. Foreign companies are very optimistic about the prospects of the Chinese market. At present, world-famous multinational non-woven groups are accelerating the pace of investment in China, and non-woven giants prefer the Yangtze River Delta. In Shanghai's non-woven industry, there are 24 foreign-funded and Hong Kong and Taiwan enterprises, accounting for 22 of the total. 5%, while the output accounted for 37. 8%, accounting for 58. 4%. Faced with the squeeze of international capital, the already small Yangtze River Delta nonwoven industry faces four major problems in product development. First of all, the technology is backward and cannot provide high-skilled and highly functional fiber varieties, and the development of functional non-woven products is limited. At present, China's non-woven products have low technical content and cannot compete with foreign products. High-grade products are almost monopolized by foreign markets and are used for flame retardant fibers for curtains, bedding and carpets, deodorant and antibacterial negative ion fibers and UV-resistant fibers used for interior decoration and interior decoration are scarce in China. Second, there is a shortage of talents. Shanghai is the first city to carry out non-woven research, but in terms of talents, its advantages are gradually disappearing and creating faults. Some large enterprises do not have senior technical personnel or senior management personnel. After many years of non-woven professional interruption, Donghua University began to resume training non-woven talents this year. Third, information is ineffective and the market lacks effective information. At present, the non-woven market has indeed changed a lot compared with previous years, especially after the traditional textiles are in trouble, many enterprises have turned to the non-woven market, and Shaoxing, a major textile county, has begun to develop into the non-woven industry, combine quality improvement and structural adjustment to accelerate the expansion and strengthening of the non-spinning industry. 2004 non-woven industry accounted for the county economic total of 22% create profit 33. 3%. However, due to the lack of organization, information guidance, systematic talent training and complete technical standards, the non-woven industry in the Yangtze River Delta, which is dominated by private enterprises, has increased production capacity but reduced benefits, it also causes serious problems of disorderly competition and low-level construction, which are not big, not strong, and even fall against each other. Fourth, the standardization work lags behind. Due to the dispersion of industries, the non-woven industry mainly composed of small private enterprises is mostly 'non-competent' enterprises, and no one has ever asked about industrial standardization. During the SARS period, a batch of N95 masks were temporarily concentrated, but it was difficult to enter the market without inspection standards. After the approval of the competent authorities, the standards for temporary patchwork and synthesis were not suitable for China's national conditions. From the current point of view, the products of non-woven enterprises are mainly based on enterprise standards, with only a small number of industries and national standards. For some special features of the product, the standard is mostly blank. (Source: China Quality News)
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