
Cross non woven fabric/ Cambrella Fabric

The global sanitary adhesive market is gaining momentum

by:Sunshine     2021-03-15
According to a new report released by TechNavio, the global hygienic adhesive market is set to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 8.35% during 2013-2018. One of the key factors contributing to the growth of this market is the increasing focus on Ru0026D vendors. The market has also witnessed a growing demand for hygiene products in emerging markets. However, rising raw material prices may present challenges to the growth of this market. TechNavio's report,'Global Hygienic Adhesives Market 2014-2018', is based on in-depth market analysis and preparation by industry experts. The report covers Western Europe, North America, Asia Pacific regions and lines, and it also covers the global hygienic adhesive market environment and growth prospects in the next few years. The report also includes discussions with major suppliers operating in this market.
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