
Cross non woven fabric/ Cambrella Fabric

The main application of anti-aging PP non-woven fabric

by:Sunshine     2021-04-09
Non-woven fabrics have high economic benefits. It has a wide variety and wide application. Its raw materials include not only natural fibers such as cotton, but also chemical fibers such as viscose and polypropylene. It is non-toxic and harmless, and has rich colors. It has strong abrasion resistance, acid and alkali resistance and chemical resistance, and will not be moldy or moth-eaten. It is the largest non-woven fabric produced. From the perspective of its function, it can be divided into antibacterial, hydrophilic, antistatic, anti-aging, flame retardant and other categories. It is mainly used in medical and health, health care, industry and agriculture, construction, civil engineering, water conservancy, and home decoration.

The application status of anti-aging PP non-woven fabrics are summarized as follows:

1. Geotechnical greening

PP non-woven fabrics are widely used in geotechnical fields because of their enhanced alkali resistance, acid resistance, mildew resistance, insect resistance, decomposition resistance, weathering resistance, and resistance to deformation. Moreover, its storage and transportation are convenient, and the price is relatively low. From its function, it mainly includes strengthening, isolation, filtering, drainage, etc., and can be used in the construction of dams, railways, airports and highways. Among them, in railway construction, it can be combined with its characteristics to effectively solve the risk of roadbed turning and mud; in dam construction, by laying such geotextiles, it can effectively resist soil erosion, avoid river bank collapse, and be used for underground drainage and During the construction process of retaining walls and soft soil foundation drainage. In addition, in urban buildings, anti-aging PP non-woven fabrics can be used for turf planting, which not only has less harm to the environment, but also has heat preservation and is convenient for irrigation. It can make the lawn lively even in the dormant and withered periods. The maintenance is convenient, the construction intensity can be reduced, and the appearance of the lawn is improved, and it can be reused. Of course, this kind of woven fabric can also be used for highway slope protection and greening and mountain rock spraying and planting grass.

2. Agricultural Planting

Previous agricultural PP non-woven fabrics are prone to aging, cracking and other phenomena under long-term sunlight exposure, and have a short life cycle. The anti-aging type PP non-woven fabric is made of polyester and PP raw materials. The PP content is relatively high. It has strong permeability to moisture and air, and is permeable to chemical agents. The structure is relatively high. Loose, can be used together with insecticides, fertilizers, etc. In addition, the anti-aging PP non-woven fabric also has a good microclimate regulation effect, not only can heat and keep warm, but also can effectively resist ultraviolet rays, thereby effectively improving the growth environment of plants. From the perspective of its agricultural production, it is mainly used for crop cover, plant growth substrate, greenhouse, farmland water and soil protection, etc. Due to the low cost of the anti-aging PP non-woven fabric, short processing flow, good toughness, strength, good mechanical properties, reusability, easy recycling, etc., it can provide good protection for agricultural planting.

3. Industrial production

In addition to the construction industry and agricultural planting fields, anti-aging PP non-woven fabrics are also widely used in industrial production due to their environmentally friendly characteristics, including car roofs, automotive sound insulation and heat insulation interior parts, instrument panels , In the lining of the engine cover. Especially in automotive interior parts, because many manufacturers want to use materials with strong durability and corrosion resistance, instead of replacing them with non-recyclable foam materials, anti-aging PP non-woven fabrics are used. Of course, in other fields, such as outdoor billboards, outdoor sportswear, sun hats, umbrellas and tents, outdoor home textiles, anti-aging PP non-woven fabrics also have a wide range of applications.
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