
Cross non woven fabric/ Cambrella Fabric

The rapid development of non-woven equipment

by:Sunshine     2021-03-14
Industrial textiles are an emerging industry. According to the National Bureau of Statistics, they include three categories of products: the first category is ropes, the second category is textile bags and cord fabrics, and the third category is non-woven fabrics. Industrial non-woven fabrics have already emerged in Europe and America, but my country started late due to various reasons. With the advancement of science and technology and the changes of the times, my country's industrial nonwoven industry has begun to develop rapidly in recent years. A complete set of equipment suitable for the production of nonwovens for the general industrial use of Ge has also emerged, and the branch has been perfected, improved and improved. These industrial non-woven sets of equipment are not only supplied domestically, but also exported overseas, and have a certain reputation. This article address: news_detail/newsIdu003d46.html
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