
Cross non woven fabric/ Cambrella Fabric

Trouble shooting method of hot rolling mill during rolling

by:Sunshine     2021-03-11
Hot rolling is the best web-forming technology in the production process of non-woven fabrics, and is a process for fabrics after cooling and laying. The hot rolling mill is an essential working machine in this process. Next, we will explain the correct way to deal with the failure of the hot rolling mill during the rolling process. First of all, the faults of the hot rolling mill on the broken strip, the factors that cause such faults can be divided into four points: 1. The quality of the weld is poor 2. The electrical and motor are faulty 3. The data has shortcomings 4. The operation is wrong It requires careful analysis and search, and before the correct results are obtained, it can only be processed by restricting the rolling speed of the hot rolling mill. Since there are many factors that cause the rolling mill to exhibit oscillation, it is relatively difficult to distinguish in a short time. Therefore, we should directly reduce the rolling speed at the first time and ensure that the oscillation can be eliminated. When the hot rolling mill is in operation, there will be troubles such as beating, and the most common phenomenon should be the strip breakage. Today, I will introduce to us some common sense in this aspect, and hope to bring us help. The key is to timely and usefully adopt the corresponding remedy measures to prevent the formation of a severe impact on the hot rolling mill. When using hot rolling mills and other equipment for rolling production, incidents and faults are relatively common and unavoidable.
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